Saturday, May 10, 2014


1.      When was Amelia Earhart born?
July 24, 1897 in Atchison, Kansas.
2.      Why was the year 1915 a difficult year for Amelia?
Because she left the school in the middle of her second year to work as a nurse’s aide in military hospital in Canada during WW1.
3.      When and where Amelia take off in an airplane for the first time?
At a long Beach air show in 1920, after moving to California, Amelia Earhart took her first flight in an airplane.
4.      What else happened in that same year in the United States?
The economic grew.
5.      When and where did Amelia first see an airplane?
When she was 10-year-old.  In Des Moines, Iowa
6.       What else happened in that same year?
Amelia moved to Des Moines, Iowa
7.      When did Amelia start flying lesson and with whom?
On January 3 ,1921 Amelia Earhart began flying lessons,  from Anita "Neta" Snook
8.      What else did Amelia do later in that same year?
Amelia Earhart bought her first plane.
9.      How old was  Amelia when she was admitted into the Aeronautical Hall of Fame?
When she is only 26 years old, in 1923, Amelia is inducted into the Aeronautical Hall of Fame for her contribution to the aeronautical field.
10.  When did Amelia set her first flying record and what was it?
Amelia Earhart set an unofficial altitude record for women, 14,000 feet -- the first of her records.
11.  When does Amelia marry and to whom is she married to?
February 7, 1931 - Amelia Earhart married George Palmer Putnam.
12.  What association for women pilots did Amelia Earhart help to organize and in what year?
On November 2, 1929, she helped found the Ninety-Nines, an organization for women pilots.
13.  What else happened in our country in that same year?
In 1929 California to Cleveland were the start and end for the first Women's Air Derby, which developed into the All Women's Transcontinental Air Race, nicknamed Powder Puff Derby, that featured well-known female pilots such as Amelia Earhart, Pancho Barnes, Bobbi Trout, and Louise Thaden. The 1929 winner was Louise Thaden.
14.  What year did Amelia become the 1st woman to cross the Atlantic in a plane?
June 17-18, 1928 - Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic (she was a passenger on this flight with pilot Wilmer Stultz and co-pilot/mechanic Louis Gordon). She met George Putnam, one of the sponsors of the flight, a member of the Putnam publishing family, and himself a publicist.
May 29 - June 22, 1931: Amelia Earhart became the first person to fly across the content in an autogiro.
15.  When did Amelia go to the White House and meet First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt?
In 1933, she was a guest at the White House of Franklin D. and Eleanor Roosevelt
16.  What did Amelia receive as a gift on her 39th birthday and when?
1936 (July) - Amelia Earhart received a new Lockhead twin engine plane, an Electra 10E, financed by Purdue University.
17.  What else happened in that same year?
Amelia Earhart began planning for a flight around the world along the equator, using her new (and unfamiliar) Electra.
18.  What year did Amelia fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?
1932 (May 20-21) - Amelia Earhart flew solo across Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ireland, in 14 hours 56 minutes.
19.  When did Amelia take off for her flight around the world?
1937 (March) - Amelia Earhart, with navigator Fred Noonan, began her flight around the world along the equator from east to west, flying from Oakland, California, to Hawaii in 15 hours, 47 minutes, a new speed record for that route.
20.  Near what island in the Pacific was Amelia’s final voice transmission received from?
July 2, 1937 - Amelia Earhart was in radio contact with New Guinea for about seven hours.

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